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Frequenty Asked Questions  (FAQ)


How much does

Pet Care Pro cost?

A: Pet Care Pro is currently free to download and use, providing a range of valuable features to get started on your pet care journey.

Mobile Phone

Which features are available in the Free version?

A: Our free version includes a Chat feature that offers personalized advice, based on a deep knowledge base to guide you in taking care of your pets. It also supports expert analysis of lab reports. Coming soon, in the free version will be Appointments & Reminder Alerts, Hospital Reviews & Location based features.

Image by Sunder Muthukumaran

Is my personal data safe with Pet Care Pro? What if I want to delete my account? Will my data be erased also?

Your data is safe with us. We only collect data for making our services more personalized and improve the accuracy for you. When you upload your photo, or your pet's photo, only you can see the photos. When you upload any documents for processing and analysis, the document is first transformed and encoded and then our algorithms analyze the contents to answer your questions. You may reanalyze previously uploaded documents. 

Deleting accounts: Yes you can delete your account by simply logging into the app with your current sign in, then go to My Profile and delete. After you delete, your data will be unavailable to anybody within 24 hours.

Chat Category

Why do I have to choose a category in Chat ?

A: The Chat feature of the app allows you to select one of the following Categories before you ask your question. The reason for categorizing your question allows us to answer your questions more precisely and to-the-point. Below is a brief description of the categories. You can also go over to see some examples in each category to get a better idea of how to get the most out of Pet Care Pro by communicating precisely what you are looking for. Choose wisely. 

Best Friends

What is the Behavior and Training category for?

Behaviour and Training

If you have questions related to something you observed in your pet's behavior that appears intriguing or troubling, or if you want tips on how to train your pet to learn new routines, skills or even tricks, then choose this category. 

Animal Clinic Logo

What is the Health and Wellness category for?

Health and Wellness

This category is excellent if you have any health, sickness or wellness related question. If you have a question about symptoms you are seeing in your pet, if you have a question about something your pet might have eaten by mistake, if you have a question how to care for your pet, or even if it just has to do with how to proactively monitor and ensure physical and mental wellness of your furry friend, this is the category for you.


How do I use the Lab Reports and Analytics category for?

Lab Reports and Analysis

Many of our Pet parents find interpreting Lab reports complicated. Sometimes a vet tech can explain your loved one's blood report in simpler terms over the phone to you or you may need a follow up Vet appointment just to understand the lab results. Pet Care Pro can actually analyze the report for you! Just upload a PDF of your furry one's lab reports into My Uploads. Then in Chat, select Lab Reports and Analysis category, and click the paperclip icon to select one of your uploaded reports and ask your questions about this report.  

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