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Discover how easy it is to find answers to your pet healthcare questions 

Using your smart pet health advisor is easy. Just follow these steps and you will be on your way to an enlightened and more informed pet parenting journey!

Pet Care Pro App Screenshot of Main Screen

Download our App from the App store

Pet Care Pro App Edit Profile Screen.

Create Your

Pet's Profile

Pet Care Pro App Chatting session.

Ask Your Questions
just type it in!

Pet Care Pro App Screenshot of Main Screen


Whether you have an Apple iPhone or an Android device. We have an app for you!

Our iOS App is in App Stores already and the Android app is not far behind.

Pet Care Pro App Screenshot Create or Edit your Pets Profile. Tell us about your Pets age, breed, behaviors, vaccination record, etc.

Create your pet's profile

Simply tell us about your furry friend’s age, breed, and behaviors.

You can even upload your pet's medical reports, photographs, and more.

Pet Care Pro App screenshot of a Chat session between user and Pet Care Pro Trusted Pet Health Advisor

Ask your questions. 
Get Personalized Answers.

Whether you have questions about health, nutrition, or behavior, just type 'em in.

Receive instant, relevant advice tailored specifically for your pet.


Watch the videos below of some examples of how to get the most out of Pet Care Pro !


Common Health Questions

Adopted a new pet?

Interpret medical report

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