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October is National Pet Wellness Month, 1st Pet Health Advisor App is Launched! Pet Care Pro App

October shines a spotlight on pet wellness, and as a passionate pet owner, you're likely keen on ensuring your furry friend enjoys the best health possible.

World's 1st Pet Healthcare Advisor App is launched - Introducing Pet Care Pro!

Pet Care Pro logo, Launched, Fall, October, App Store, Download
Pet Care Pro App launched in October - National Pet Wellness Month

National Pet Wellness Month serves as a reminder to revisit and reaffirm the commitment we have towards our pets. What better time to launch the world's 1st Trusted Pet Health Advisor app. Download Pet Care Pro App now from App stores.

At Pet Care Pro, we understand your dedication and aim to provide the necessary tools and insights to assist you. Here's a look at some of the pressing pet wellness concerns, backed by real statistics, and a snapshot of pet adoption in recent times.

Top 4 Pet Wellness Concerns


  • Stat: According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, about 56% of dogs and 60% of cats were classified as overweight or obese in 2021.

  • Concern: Obesity can lead to numerous health issues, including diabetes, joint problems, and reduced lifespan.

  • Our Solution: Pet Care Pro offers dietary recommendations and weight management tips tailored for your pet's needs.

Dental Diseases

  • Stat: The American Veterinary Medical Association states that dental disease affects approximately 80% of dogs and 70% of cats by age three.

  • Concern: Untreated dental issues can lead to severe infections, loss of teeth, and other systemic diseases.

  • Our Solution: Learn about dental care routines, products, and dietary choices to maintain your pet's oral health with Pet Care Pro.


  • Stat: A study from the American College of Veterinary Surgeons suggests that about 20% of adult dogs have arthritis, with the number increasing with age.

  • Concern: Arthritis can severely limit mobility and be a source of chronic pain for pets.

  • Our Solution: Pet Care Pro provides insights into early detection, management, and suitable exercises to alleviate symptoms.

Fleas and Ticks

  • Stat: Nearly 50% of all pets are affected by fleas during their lifetime, according to the American Kennel Club.

  • Concern: These pests can lead to skin disorders, infections, and transmit other parasites or diseases.

  • Our Solution: Get guidance on prevention, treatment, and suitable pet-safe products with Pet Care Pro.

Pet Adoption Snapshot: 2022

Adopting a pet is a life-changing decision and has seen a surge in recent years. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA):

  • About 3.2 million shelter animals are adopted each year, with the split being nearly even between dogs and cats.

  • The number of animals entering shelters annually stands at about 6.5 million – comprising 3.3 million dogs and 3.2 million cats.

  • The adoption rate has seen a steady increase from previous years, highlighting the growing awareness and commitment towards giving pets a second chance at happiness.


As we navigate through National Pet Wellness Month, let's pledge to stay informed, proactive, and dedicated to our pets' well-being. With the Pet Care Pro app, rest assured you have a trusted companion to guide you through every step of your pet wellness journey.


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